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emailwizard - OpenBSD Email Wizard

Stolen from the grave of some guy’s repository on GitHub where the script has way more functionality albeit coded in a fucktarded autistic way that makes it very unreadable, I came along and removed every bit of “bloat” leaving only a bare bones script that sets up an email server for you on OpenBSD using OpenSMTPD (the SMTP server itself), Dovecot (the IMAP server) and rspamd (which is I think the thing that signs your emails with DKIM) <— See? Don’t actually trust this script, I have no idea what I am doing, if this piece of shit works it’s because I copied from someone else.
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Shell scripts to set up and manage an email server on OpenBSD using OpenSMTPd, Dovecot and rspamd.

You might be thinking then, why am I posting this here if I only lobotomized the original script?

OpenBSD Email Wizard

This is a fork of aiming at only providing you with the parts that configure an email server.

Before running the script make sure ./install and ./scripts/* have the execute permission with chmod +x, then edit variables on shared/environment. Finally grab your SSL certificates early with certbot certonly --register-unsafely-without-email or else the script with exit. Make sure you give it the mail. or mx. or whatever-you-have subdomain (the one you setup in $MAIL_DOMAIN on shared/environment) when certbot asks you what domain you want.

Scripts to change password, create and delete users can be found on the scripts/ directory.

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Created on: Monday, 29 April 2024